
Posts Tagged ‘Courteney Cox’

Jules: I’m a better mom with sleep…
– Cougar Town

After having gone cold turkey on TV shows the last 16 months, I felt I was in seventh heaven when I came back to find we had foxtel at home. So now I watch everything that flickers on the idiot box, yep I am a bigger fan of “Wizards of Waverley Place” than the kids……but yeah I am glad to be back in the world where I can watch my own TV, the shows I want to ( grrrr……yeah mostly after the kids are knocked out) and variety of programs at the flick of a button. If nothing, life as a student overseas sure makes you appreciate the simple luxuries of home, sweet home 🙂

So two nights ago, I decided to watch the new show “Cougar Town” with all the hype this show and the term “cougar” has been getting on the net. The series opened to show quite a stunning Courteney Cox. I have never found her interesting, especially with her being overshadowed by Jenifer Aniston in Friends, but I was quite surprised to see her with elevated levels of er, do I say oomph factor in the series. The show in itself is not much…..perhaps more of a “Desperate Housewives” meeting “Sex and the City” and shows of this kind always leave me wondering how come most mothers I see in suburbia are tired, frazzled, with hastily thrown jumpers and slacks and of course suffering from the the nation’s greatest ailment, obesity……a far cry than the ones pictured on these shows.

But yes, coming back to utopian suburbia on the small screen, the show became further interesting phaps not for its plots but for its cast when I noticed that Bill Lawrence (producer of Scrubs, Spin City) was one of its creators. Being such a die hard fan of “Scrubs”, I was thrilled to see Christa Miller ( the feisty and assertive Jordan in Scrubs) also star in Cougar town as Ellie, the neighbour and friend to Cox’s lead character Jules. I used to love Scrubs for the comedy and especially the comradeship that existed between the characters Turk & JD. Therefore I have no doubts that Cougar town will take me on a interesting ride through one such friendship portrayed between the characters Jules and Ellie.

The show’s ratings have gone through the roof which means it is going to stay for a while here on Channel 7…….one thing I hate is when the shows disappear without any trace. I am still whinging over “Moonlight” that got canned owing to writers strike and never came back. Ah well, while “Cougar town” lasts, you know where to find me next week thursday 8.30 pm 🙂

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